Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Self Assessment -- The Knight and the Grave Villanelle(Villanelle Poem)

Self Assessment

This is a well-written villanelle poem, at least I think. I followed the rules of the villanelle. The rhymes all matched, and the repeating of the two lines weren’t awkward wherever they went. But still there are some problems I have to fix.

First, I have to be specific what all the rhyming words mean. For example, on the fourth stanza second row, it is written that I cannot move as though I am in front of judge. But not always can’t anyone move, even though all the juries, the prisoner, the witnesses, and the lawyers can’t move unless the judge allows them to. So I think I should work on that row to make more understandable to the audiences.

Second, I should work on the sentence fluency. Some sentences don’t seem to be quite fluent. So, I think I should try to make the sentences more fluent.

Self Assessment -- Backstreet(Cinquain Poem 2)

Self Assessment

Frankly, I have got nothing to comment about my poem. Because I don’t see any mistakes in organizations, since the poem is too short, and doesn’t seem to need much grammar and ending punctuations. Also, I don’t see any spelling mistake, and I don’t see any sentence that doesn’t seem to fit on the topic of my poem.

But there is a problem. This is the only problem I see in this poem. I am not saying that this word doesn’t fit in the context, but I think there are many better words that can be put instead of using “vomiting,” or I think I should explain more about the word specifically, which is almost impossible in this poem. I think I should try to work on that word.

Self Assessment -- Saipan Tourist(Process Poem)

Self Assessment

I have been reading my poem. It was quite boring, and I couldn’t understand what I am talking about. Even though I enjoyed reading most parts of my poem, I have lots to be revised yet.

First, my poem isn’t organized very well. I just listed the events that are going to happen and things I am going to do. I don’t have the exact time when or where these events that are happening and things I am going to do. I just listed the events and things I am going to do in several lines. I think I should work on that.

Second, the voice of the poem is not easily told. The voice of the poem is not clearly recognizable. I just listed the events and things you are going to do, but the voice is not seen clearly. I don’t have any sentence that can reveal my own voice. I think I should work on that. I will try to put more sentences that reveal my voice, and the things I really wanted to tell to the tourists through this poem.

Last, I have to work on the word choice. All the words used in my poem are simple and don’t contain much feeling of my poem. All of the words in my poem are really boring. I should consider the words that I am using, and change the words into some better words.



While I was writing all these poems to make this poetry portfolio, the best thing I did was when I was writing the villanelle poem. To write a better poem than ever, I tried to use the dictionary and the internet to find the rhymes. But it wasn’t easy though, because I couldn’t find the words that fit into the topic of my villanelle poem. So, I had to make the connections between those rhyming words that I found to make the poem sense. Unexpectedly, the poem turned out to be quite successful, at least to me.
There was a person who inspired a lot. This person is my mother. She inspired me and encouraged me when I was frustrated writing poem. So, I really appreciate my mother about her help.
During the writing process, I value the peer assessments the most. Because by doing the peer assessments, I could discover how the poem made the audiences to think, what the audiences thought about while reading my poems and what the problems of the poems were.
I learned quite a lot about the six traits of writing. First of all, in convention, I learned that even the poem should follow the basic grammar, and that the poem should have all ending punctuations, just like when we write a formal essay. I thought the poem doesn’t need to follow the grammar patterns. Second, I learned that the word choice is very important in poetry. Even one choice of the word can change the mood or the meaning of the poem. In organization, I learned that the structure should well fit the topic of the poem. If not, then I will mess up the meaning of the poem. Also for the voice, I learned that the voice is also important because they can also change the meaning, because you find out what the mood is by listening to the author’s voice.

Table of Content

Table of Contents

1. Preface----------------------------------------------------------------------------04

2. I Curse You, Poem! (List poem)----------------------------------------------05

3. Hole Blockers (Sound poem) -------------------------------------------------09
Peer Assessment ……………………………………………..12

4. How to enjoy a day in Saipan (Process poem) -----------------------------13
Self Assessment ……………………………………………...16

5. Backstreet (Cinquain poem) --------------------------------------------------17
Self Assessment …………………………………...…………20

6. The Grave and the Knight (Villanelle poem) -------------------------------21
Self Assessment ……………………………………………...24

Dedication Page

I dedicate these poems
to my beloved mother
and my sister.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Villanelle Poem -- The Night and the Grave Villanelle

The Grave and the knight Villanelle

Do not go hanging around that grave at night
The grave where a knight has laid, full of grudge
Unless your heart is full of might

When the sun tries to conclude its flight
Then you know the darkness through the grave starts to budge
Do not go hanging around that grave at night

Then you catch a small glimpse of light
Fear climbs at the sight of a knight ghost in sludge
Unless your heart is full of might

With the sword on his hand, here comes the tramping knight
But you cannot move as though you are in front of a judge
Do not go hanging around that grave at night

Then you stun right where you stood, full of fright
As louder and louder the sound of the knight’s trudge
Unless your heart is full of might

At last, the sun starts to rise, shining bright
The knight sinks back to his grave, losing his courage
Do not go hanging around that grave at night
Unless your heart is full of might

Cinquain Poem 2 -- Backstreet


Gloomy, filthy
Punching, kicking, vomiting
Dangerous place
Dark hell.

Cinquain Poem 1 -- Joey


What in the world
have you done to your dog?
Put him in the boiling water?
Oh my!

Concrete Poem -- The Moon

(Impossible to post since the shape of the poem breaks down if I post)

Process Poem -- How to Enjoy a Day in Saipan

How to enjoy a day in Saipan

As you open your eyes from the soft bed,
you realize the sunlight shining though your eyes,
promising that you are going to enjoy the day.
Then you prepare as the sun remains flying in the sky
to have a wonderful day on the beach.
Then you rent the equipment and hire a guide
for the scuba diving you are going to enjoy.
You jump into the beach with your equipments on,
along with your kind-hearted guide.
Then you come out of the beach and rest
to recharge your energy for the night.
When the sun sinks into the ocean,
the light from the beach conquers over the sunlight.
Then you start to enjoy the night scenery.
You lie down on the white bench, facing the beach,
Feeling the slight breeze of the night beach.
You close your eyes, resting

Sound Poem -- Hole Blockers

Hole Blockers

You slam the door.
Sit on the toilet,
forgetting to check whether the toilet paper is here or not.
You start to pour all your energy,
And shout out loud,
That is your first hour.

Your excrements booming out like cannon balls,
Rushes through the air,
and the water splashes up like an active fountain,
splashes all aver yourself.
And you shout out loud,
That is your second hour.

The water starts to swirl inside the toilet
as you flush the toilet water.
Full of pain on your face,
slowly you crawl out of the door,
forgetting to wash your hands.
And that is your third hour.

You slam the door again as you leave.
You shout after striking the innocent door,
“I HATE you, both of you,
you hole-blocker and you toilet!!”
Whatever, you will return tomorrow
for three-hour-business again.

List Poem -- I Curse You Poem!

I curse you poem

I just hate writing poetry because…
it is hard to understand;
I have lots of things to think about;
it requires lots of vocabulary,
And English skills.
Sometimes it doesn’t make any sense to me.
If I make a mistake, then I have to start all over again,
because even a mistake of word choice can break the rhyme.
But I have never given or thought of giving to a teacher to not write poetry
Because I am usually an obedient student!

Process Essay -- How to be Accepted by Top Rank Twenty Universities

Many high school students are willing to go to the Top Rank twenty Universities or colleges in USA nowadays, and some high school students are even desperate to go to the Top 20 schools. Some students get forced by their parents to go to the top 20 schools. Some students are too desperate and get too much stress that they even get mental disease from it. Sometimes some students’ parents even get divorced because of the huge difference of their thoughts and opinions. Most people already know, even before they get to high school, how to go to the Top-Rank-Twenty Universities, but many people fail to go to the Top-rank-twenty universities, because there are too many steps they should follow.
First of all, when you graduate from middle school and become a high school student, you have to forget how you did in middle school, because the middle school life, or junior high school life, is really different from the life in high school. Even if you got pretty good grades in middle school, if you don’t strive a lot in high school, you can just ruin your grades in high school, and also your entire life following after the high school.
Second, you have to do well in school. You have to get good GPAs in 9th to 12th grade. GPA 4.0 and above is great for rank top 20 schools, and GPA 3.8 is fine for some top 20 schools, including Duke University, Cornell University, Vanderbilt University, and Emory University. (Citation: Pak, Colin. Studying abroad USA File. Seoul, Korea Republic: Nexus, 2003.) But you cannot guarantee to be accepted by the schools with your fabulous GPA of 4.0. And then you should not have any record of getting suspension, because the suspensions keep you from going to the top 20 schools. (Yang, Joo-Won, and Conference Team. American Colleges & Graduates 250. 1st ed. Seoul, Korea Republic: Baeksusa, 2004.)
Third, participate in school activities as much as possible. There are three kinds of activities: services, sports, and leadership. You should have all three of these in adequate amount for most top 20 schools. Cal tech. and MIT are the schools that do not need as much activities as other top 20 schools, but they still need some activities, and in addition, they need some awards in mathematics and sciences (Citation: Pak, Colin. Studying abroad USA File. Seoul, Korea Republic: Nexus, 2003.). So, you should participate in school activities.
Fourth, you have to do well on SAT. (Citation: Wall, Edward. Behind the Scene. 14th ed. Alexandria, Virginia: Octameron Associates, 2003.) For SAT I, you need 1800 (at least 600 each) to be qualified to register, at least 2000 in safety for some schools, and at least 2200 for every school (Citation: Pak, Colin. Studying abroad USA File. Seoul, Korea Republic: Nexus, 2003.). But you still cannot guarantee to be accepted by Harvard or Princeton with your SAT I score of 2200, and your fabulous GPAs. (Just accept and understand the words by its original meaning. “Fabulous” does not mean “F”, but just means great.) (Citation: Strenagel, Jeffrey. Personal interview. 30 October 2006.) And SAT II is required in every top 20 school. You need at least two SAT IIs for most schools and three SAT IIs for some schools, including Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and Johns Hopkins Universities. (Citation: Yang, Joo-Won, and Conference Team. American Colleges & Graduates 250. 1st ed. Seoul, Korea Republic: Baeksusa, 2004.) For SAT IIs, you have to get at least 700 for top 20 schools and at least 750 for safety. But of course, you cannot guarantee to be accepted by those schools with three SAT IIs with 750 each.
Fifth, you have to write the essays really well. Not always, but most schools want you to write an essay that shows about yourself well and why you want to go to that college. The judges from each school will read your essay and decide whether you will be accepted or rejected. So, you will have to write the essay really interesting to the judges. To write the essay well, you might need to visit each college’s homepage, and get some information from the sites.
Sixth, you need to have at least two recommendations from your high school teachers. You have to choose two teachers to ask for the recommendations. Your recommendation forms from your teachers in high school might affect in good ways, but also in bad ways.
Seventh, you should do well on application form. You need to write down your achievements, including the activities you have done, your GPAs, and your SAT scores. The application form reflects how you did in high school and your achievements in high school.
Besides these, you need lot more. For example, you need internship, inquiry, registration fee, and some luck. Luck is also very important. If you are lucky, you can go to Harvard with SAT I of 2100, but if you are very unlucky, you can be rejected by Notre Dame with SAT I of 2200, lots of activities, and good SAT II scores. (Citation: Strenagel, Jeffrey. Personal interview. 30 October 2006.)
As you can see, there are many steps you should follow. But striving a lot, doing your best is the most important factor. Even if you didn’t get to the top 20 schools, you have no regrets if you did your best, and you can go to the schools below rank 20. For instance, UC Berkeley or University of Michigan are more famous and well-accepted by people than some top 20 schools. So, try your best, and your achievements will show on your results. Then, good luck for those who are struggling to go to the top colleges!

Definition Essay -- Mother

Everyone has or has had a mother. But not everyone has the same kind of mother. There are various kinds of mothers in this world. Some mothers have good personality, some mothers have bad personality, some mothers are wealthy, some mothers don’t have much money, and some mothers are physically strong while others are physically weak. But there is on thing that they have in common, besides the fact that they are females, and that they have children: they lead their children’s lives. I am going to show some examples by using result, negation, and comparison.
Your life depends greatly on how your mother is like. If your mother has a job, along with your father, and is very busy, then you normally become more independent than the children who have mothers working as housewives. But since your parents are too busy to look after you, you may fall into the wrong way. For instance, you can sneak away school when your parents busy. On the other hand, if your mother stays at home, your mother cares for you more. She can cook you more meal, help with your school works more, and have more time talking with you more. So, there is less chance for you to fall in to the wrong way. But since you was in your mother’s care and protection, you might become more dependent than the children with working mothers. In contrary, if your mother is very well-educated, you usually receive a lot of information from your mother. If had a friend long time ago whose mother was a doctor, so he knew a lot about human bodies and how the organs work. But also, since his parents both worked, he sometimes did something bad when their parents were not aware of him. If your mother is a criminal, then you can learn some bad behaviors from your mother. Therefore, your mother is very important in your life, since your life, characteristics, and personality depends on your mother greatly.
Mothers are not servants. Of course, most mothers in this world love their children and do their best to make their children better than other people. They sometimes do things their children want them to do. For example, they buy things like clothes or CD games for their children. But that does not mean that they can treat their mother as servants. Since she created you, she has the right to interfere into your life, affect your life, and punish you. They can feel annoyed when their mother tries to see their personal things. I even think that my mother is very annoying sometimes when she tries to interfere into my life. But I do not express my feelings to my mother usually. I know that my mother does that because she is worried about me since I am her son. All children in this world should know that their mothers are not servants.
Mothers are like horses or camels with you in the middle of a prairie or a desert. In other words, you definitely need them to reach your goal. It does not mean that you can treat them like horses or camels (so, be careful!). If you are in the middle of a desert, and if you have a camel beside you, you may ride on the camel to get out of the desert more quickly. But if the camel is too stubborn to move, or if it tries to lead you its own way, the camel would be the burden to you to carry, so you may want to just leave the camel alone and walk to get out of the desert. Similar to your life, if your mother praises and appreciates you when you make your goal, then she is very significant to your life, and you might like her. My mother tries to know what my goal is, and tries to help me a lot. But after she realized that I do not have any goal for my life, she does not help me much now. On the other hand, if your mother tries to follow her own will and tries to force you to follow her wish, while you have your own personal goal, then there would be a lot of conflicts going on between you and your mother, and both of you would get a lot of stress from the conflicts. You might think that this type of mothers is not helpful at all to your life, just like the stubborn camel in the middle of the desert. But they are not always bad, because she may be trying to lead you to the better way. For instance, if a person is talented at science and not very good at playing sports, but if the person wants to be an athlete while his or her mother wants him or her to be a scientist, then the mother may be making the right choice. So if your mother is alive, you should listen to your mother’s advices more carefully, not just ignoring her, even if you want to.
In more simple words, mothers are very important in our life. They are very important not only because they give food and clothes, and buy the children what they want. They affect their children both good ways and bad ways whether the mothers are alive or dead. They affect their children for what they do for their children. They even affect their children’s lives for their existence. How were you treating your mother? Were you obedient to her, or ignoring her? If you are not obedient to her, then you should better be, because she is the leader that leads you through the way of destiny or doom.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Welcome, heh heh